Mental Health

A new online stigma training is now available! Learn about stigma and how the language we use around mental health, addictions, and substance use health can impact our community. Strategies to help reduce stigma are shared, along with tools to communicate about mental health, addictions, and substance use health in a supportive way. Take it at your own pace and get a certificate of completion.

How to Ask for Help 

In today's world, we face a lot of pressure. Whether it's family, friends, school, or work, it can get tough. You will most likely have questions about your mental health. One of these questions may even include what is the difference between mental health and mental illness? In Ontario, 1 in every 5 children and youth have some type of mental health problem. Some common concerns include anxiety, depression, trauma, and self-harming behaviours. 

By talking about mental health openly, you can be a healthy and resilient person. We often hear that we need to take care of our physical health. Eat veggies. Exercise. Get sleep. But what about your mental health? It needs the same attention as our physical health, and there are things we can all do to have positive mental health.

Let's start by figuring out what it is to have positive mental health? The World Health Organization (WHO) says that it is:

  • A state of well-being;
  • Every individual realizes his or her own potential;
  • Can cope with the normal stresses of life;
  • Can work productively and fruitfully; and
  • Able to make a contribution to her or his community.

What it really means is that:

  • You are able to perform daily activities like waking up for school, eating well, and showering;
  • You feel cared for, content, and happy with your life;
  • You do things you like with your friends, family, at school, work, and in your community;
  • You feel in control and hopeful about tomorrow;
  • You are able to cope with day-to-day challenges and stress;
  • You feel good about yourself.

Do you want activities that help you learn more about mental health?  Visit “Educators and Youth Workers” at have THAT talk to check them out!

There's still so much more to know about mental health, visit our pages to learn more.

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