FAQ About Getting Tested

What can I expect during my visit?

Once you have booked your appointment through the Sexual Health Clinic booking line, you will receive an appointment reminder by email or text. Before you arrive, please complete the registration form that will be found in your email or text reminder. The registration form asks things like, your name, birthdate, contact information and reason for your visit. We ask that you arrive 15 minutes before your appointment time to help keep the clinic on time. Don’t worry about your information being shared, the staff will keep your information private and confidential! You will be given a number by the receptionist and need to wait to be called.

When it is your turn to go in, the health care professional will call you using the number you were given and close the door. The health care professional will confirm the information you provided earlier, along with collecting information about your medical and sexual history. None of the health care professionals will judge your lifestyle or sexual habits. Some of the information that will be collected includes:

  • The dates of your last 2 sexual encounters
  • The date of your last period or Pap test
  • The symptoms you are experiencing

If necessary, the health care professional will order tests or discuss treatment options for you! All tests are optional and will not take place without your consent. Should you take treatment, the required medication will be provided to you by the health care professional. After this, you will be able to leave the clinic and continue with your day!

During your time at the clinic, you should ask as many questions as you need, to ensure you understand and have enough information to make the best decision. If you’re unsure, ask a question, and do not assume!

When do I get my test results?

Results can take up to 3 weeks. If you do not hear from the clinic, it means that your test results did not show that you have any type of sexually transmitted bloodborne infection (STBBI). The results will be negative.

Please do not call the clinic for results. If you would like to review your results or get a copy, after 3 weeks have passed, please visit us in person during clinic hours and bring photo ID.

What if I test positive?

If you test positive which means your test showed you have an infection, a public health nurse (PHN) will contact you to discuss treatment and follow-up. You may need to provide information about your sexual partners so they can be tested and treated. Your name will be kept confidential and not be given to these partners.

Is it free?

Yes! The clinic provides free and confidential testing and treatment for Sexually Transmitted Blood Borne Infections, also known as STBBIs. Birth control is also provided at a low and affordable cost.

Do I need an appointment?

Yes! First, we ask that you check out our website to see who we are providing services for and what those services are. If all is good, then give us a call Monday to Friday between 9 am and noon or 1 to 4 pm at 613-234-4641 to book your appointment. You will then speak with one of our staff, who may ask you some additional questions. This is your opportunity to ask questions too!

Is it really confidential?

Yes! All the information that is collected from you and any discussions that the health care professionals may have with you, are confidential. Clinic staff will not share your personal information with anyone else that is not involved in providing you medical care unless you give permission. This includes your parents and friends. You don’t even need to tell anyone that you visited the clinic. The clinic will, however, need to tell another organization about your visit if your life, or the life of another person, is at serious risk, or in special circumstances if the law requires it. Before this is done, the clinic will discuss it with you, and give you all the support you need!

Can I bring friends or family with me?

When booking your appointment, please let our staff member know if you need a support person during your visit.  Just keep in mind that if they are there during your health assessment, they will hear all your answers, so ensure it is someone you trust with your information.

Do I need an examination?

You will receive a physical exam only if you consent, and have symptoms of an STBBI.

Does the examination hurt?

No! The examination should not hurt. If you have any questions or concerns, please discuss it with the health care professional

Can I come in and just get condoms?

Yes! Free condoms are always available at the Sexual Health Clinic. You can also order free condoms online at sexitsmart.ca.

Is there an interpreting service available?

Yes! When you attend the clinic, you can request the help of an interpreter. This service is available in over 170 different languages. You will be part of a three-way call in a language of your choice with an interpreter and health care professional.

How do I know if I have a STBBI?

If you notice changes to your genitals, like a rash, itch, discharge, or anything else, it is possible that you have an STBBI, and should see a health care professional as soon as possible! Unfortunately, you can have a STBBI but have zero symptoms. This means the infection can be in your body without you even knowing about it. It also means you could pass on an STBBI to someone else. Being tested is the only way to know 100% if you have an STBBI. Learn more about STBBIs.

What is a Pap test and why do I need one?

A Pap test checks the cervix for changes. The cervix is the opening to the uterus and is located inside the vagina. The Pap test can detect changes to the cells on the cervix before they become cancerous. If abnormal cells are found, they can be treated before they become cervical cancer. Usually, your family doctor or nurse practitioner can perform the Pap test during a pelvic examination. The Ontario Cervical Screening Program recommends that anyone with a cervix (women, transmasculine and non-binary people) who is or ever has been sexually active have a Pap test every 3 years starting at age 21 . Learn more about Pap tests.

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